盼望着,盼望着,新年的脚步近了。经过一番忙碌,管工学院遇见ME之“zhu事大吉”首届中外学生迎新年联欢会终于拉开了帷幕。副院长傅培华老师、国际商学院Zubair Tauni老师、信息系副主任陈庭贵老师、辅导员黄涛老师、辅导员石周燕老师、教务办余荣芳老师以及近百位中外学生悉数到场。
After preparation, the 1st SME Sino-international Students New Year Party was coming! SME Assistant dean Fu Peihua, International Business School Teacher Zubair Tauni, deputy director of SME Information Management Department Chen Tinggui, Counselor Huang Tao and Shi Zhouyan, Yu Rongfang and nearly 100 Chinese and intetnational students attended this party.
Besides the beverage and snacks, our staff also prepared special red packets for everyone.
联欢会由学生会国际部的黄雯静和Lim Jian Feng主持。一开始,我们将“击鼓传花”作为热场环节。随着音乐的播放,我们的小猪猪公仔在大家手中辗转。此刻的猪猪仿佛是个不定时炸弹,每个人都迫不及待想把它丢出去。音乐戛然而止时,我们的国际生ABDUSAMAD“拔得头筹”,抽取“与异性交换外套试穿并合照”的大冒险,随后又毫无预告地为我们带来了一个精彩的开场舞表演,气氛瞬间活跃起来。接下来的"用脸吃饼干"以及"抢凳子"环节大家也是积极参与,为了赢得小猪玩偶使出全力。
The party was hosted by Wendy Huang and Lim Jian Feng from SME International Department. At the beginning, we played a game named "Pass the parcel". As the music played, the pig doll seemed to be an untimely bomb, and everyone could not wait to throw it out. When the music stopped, our international student ABDUSAMAD got the pig doll and had to finish the task that exchange the coat with a girl and take a photo to commemorate, and then he showed us an exciting opening dance. Then people also actively involved in "eating biscuits without hands" and "musical chairs" in order to win the pig dolls.
Friendship is a thing full of magic. Even if everyone has different nationalities, we can play together happily.
Another part of our party was the celebration of the graduates of spring 2019. Assistant dean Prof. Fu sang the English song Edelweiss for our graduates. Miss Rosa also prepared videos and photos for them. When the video was broadcast, it was not difficult to find our international graduates were all touched and immersed in good memories.
The whole party would be indispensable for lucky draw. At that moment, everyone’s eyes would be gathered at one point and shouted out their numbers excitedly.
Time passed quickly, the party came to an end in everyone’s laughter. Looking back, we are proud. Seeing glory, hearts are stirring. Looking forward to the future, we are full of hope. 2018 came to a close, we miss but not stay. 2019 just set sail, we are steadily advancing. We believe that there is no end to it. Say goodbye to 2018, 2019 we are on the road!