英国阿斯顿大学oshua Ignatius教授讲座


主讲嘉宾:英国阿斯顿大学Joshua Ignatius教授

时  间:2023年4月18日09:00

地  点:文科实验楼101室

主  题:

The Impact of Environmental Uncertainty and Operational Flexibility on Delivery Performance: A Natural Experiment

摘  要:

Using data from 506,466 deliveries of orders of 6,608 SKUs, we study the impact of environmental uncertainty on delivery performance across two types of logistics complexity structures: within-city deliveries (low supply chain complexity) and cross-city deliveries (high supply chain complexity). We obtain exogenous variation in the environmental uncertainty through a difference-in-differences model, which exploits the typhoon Lekima event. Focusing on the high supply chain complexity of cross-city deliveries, we study how operational flexibility strategies by regulating throughput efficiency, and buffering through transfer center, can be leveraged when facing supply chain disruption. Since the extent of uncertainty varies as the cycle of typhoons evolves, our identification strategy further supports the insights into the impact of operational flexibility strategies on delivery performance as uncertainty transitions from unknowable unknown, knowable uncertainty, known uncertainty, and known certainty. We provide causal validation by revisiting the relationship between uncertainty and flexibility on performance, which has been neglected; and in turn, strengthen the support for contingency theory on supply chain practice.


Joshua Ignatius博士是英国阿斯顿大学商学院运作与商务分析教授,曾任英国华威大学供应链分析的副教授、埃克塞特大学商学院研究方法中心联合主任。曾为IntelDellMotorolaJabilSunitomo等国际企业的服务部门和生产部门提供行供应链与物流运作专家决策支持系统研发咨询工作。其研究兴趣主要包括:质量安全供应链、可持续供应链、群决策方法、战略与创新等领域的决策方法与系统开发。他目前已在国际重要和主流学术期刊上发表论50余篇文,其中ABS 4期刊7篇、ABS 3期刊近10篇,发表的期刊包括:European Journal of Operational ResearchInternational Journal of Production EconomicsTransportation Research Part EAnnals of Operations ResearchKnowledge-Based SystemsTechnovationComputers in Human Behavior等。曾获得英国工程和自然科学研究委员会、英国皇家学会等机构的基金资助。