


时  间:2024年6月5日14:00

地  点:信息楼510会议室

主  题:

Healthcare Incentive Design: An Dynamic Mechanism Design Perspective

摘  要:    

Information asymmetry plagues the healthcare market. A healthcare provider usually has an information advantage over an insurer, allowing him to game the payment system. The information asymmetry problem becomes more challenging when their interaction is multi-shot. In this talk, I will discuss a set of works designing the optimal payment schemes for different healthcare contexts using dynamic mechanism design approach. In particular, it includes (1) dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs); (2) long-term care hospitals (LTCHs) regulating their strategic discharging behavior; (3) Medicare shared saving programs (MSSPs) to incentivize accountable care organizations (ACO) participation and saving generations.


张伟博士,现任浙江大学管理学院百人计划研究员。他于2017年毕业于中国人民大学信息学院;2023年获得香港城市大学管理科学系博士学位。他的研究重点关注于动态信息不对称条件下的激励问题。核心问题是,当决策所需的信息分散、私人持有并随着时间的推移而演变时,最优的管理策略。他的研究场景涵盖医疗运营管理、供应链管理、合同农业、金融科技等领域。主要采用的研究方法包括动态规划、博弈论、信息设计和机制设计。张博士的研究成果发表在Manufacturing & Service Operations ManagementM&SOM)、Production & Operations Management (POM)等管理学期刊,并获得Journal of the Operational Research Society颁发的Outstanding Reviewer奖项。